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Metallic Cat x Mates Matrix, Smart Mate

LTE $14,834 - AQHA World Champion Senior Heading Horse


Color: Sorrel     Reg: AQHA    Panel Status: 5 panel N/N, Herda N/Hrd

Height: 15.1h     Weight: PENDING

Owned by : Cudd Quarter Horses

Metallicat is such a great individual. She was a NRCHA Open Finalist and was an AQHA Open World Champion Senior Heading Horse. At 15h, she has the SIZE everyone is always looking for! Metallicat was a phenomenal fence horse and had a great mind in the show pen. What a neat addition to your breeding program!

This mare has been incredible to ICSI – we have gotten 5-7 embryos multiples times from one aspiration. This is exclusive opportunity to get embryos out of a BIG time, proven mare!

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444 St Onge Dr Gainesville TX, 76240 

We offer a unique program that gives breeders the opportunity to integrate world-class maternal genetics into their programs.

(940) 733-8581

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