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We are giving breeders access to world-class maternal genetics – in a way that has never been available.

Viable Embryo Guarantee

You can buy with confidence – Select Genes offers a Viable-Embryo Guarantee for every Custom ICSI Aspiration purchased. For the first embryo only, when the recipient mare is checked to be fifty-five (55) days in-foal, buyer shall assume full responsibility, including all risk of loss, and the contract is considered fulfilled. The buyer may elect to have their embryo insured with the insurance company of their choice. This is suggested, but not required​​​​​​​​​


If an embryo is implanted that does NOT work to 55 days in a recipient mare, the buyer will need to continue to implant their additional embryos stored until a viable embryo is successful. If the fresh or frozen embryo(s) implanted during the breeding season do not create a Viable Embryo, and ALL fresh or frozen embryo(s) created within the agreement have been unsuccessfully implanted into recipient mares, the buyer will have the options of:


(1) – Paying an additional chute fee and aspirating the same mare either in the 2025 breeding season or in the 2026 breeding season, if stated mare is available for aspiration, and mare owner and Select Genes both approve of additional aspiration.


(2) – Using the purchase price, minus the chute fee, (defined as “credit”), toward a new mare in the Select Genes program. The use of the credit on a specific mare must be approved by both new mare owner and Select Genes.


To help you understand our Viable-Embryo Guarantee, we want to define some of our terms:

Viable Embryo: An embryo is considered viable when the recipient mare is checked to be fifty-five (55) days in-foal by a licensed veterinarian. It is also insurable at this time.


First Embryo: The first embryo of the aspiration that makes it to a 55 day check in a recipient mare.

Credit: The purchase price, minus the chute fee, that may be used on an additional aspiration if no viable embryos are made.

Chute Fee: $2,000 fee that is included with the buyer’s first aspiration purchase. It covers the aspiration and the initial ICSI fee in the lab.




In the ICSI procedure, having multiple embryos result from one aspiration is common. The buyer will be responsible for paying the embryo creation/vitrification (freezing) fees and frozen embryo permit fees on all vitrified embryos. These frozen embryos will be the buyer’s to use within the next five (5) years. The ICSI Lab will store all frozen embryos until the buyer requests to have them warmed for transfer into a recipient mare. Select Genes will approve all transfers and verify that embryos are transferred to an approved recipient mare facility.


Select Genes will require the buyer to pay a fee of 50% of the Purchase Price for each Additional Embryo that produces a foal that stands and sucks, which is referred to as a “Live Foal.” The buyer must notify Select Genes in writing, within twenty-four (24) hours of the foal birth. Select Genes will issue an invoice to the buyer within one (1) business day, which must be paid in full within seven (7) days of receipt. When buyer makes the full payment, Select Genes will transfer the frozen embryo permit to the buyer by use of an American Quarter Horse Association Transfer.



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444 St Onge Dr Gainesville TX, 76240 

We offer a unique program that gives breeders the opportunity to integrate world-class maternal genetics into their programs.

(940) 733-8581

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